【October 5th】PRI in Person 2023 Official Side Event~Missing CO2 Emissions from Forests in Woody Biomass Power and Co-firing with Coal
*The archive video of this seminar is available below.
Event Title
Missing CO2 Emissions from Forests in Woody Biomass Power and Co-firing with Coal ー GHG Protocol and SBTi, and good practices of investment and lending policies
Presentation Materials(発表資料)
- Dr. Timothy Searchinger 【Presentation】Bilingual
*To turn on English Captions, click (CC) on the bottom right of the Youtube screen. Click the gear icon and choose English.
Japan supports biomass power generation through the renewable energy feed-in tariff (FIT) and other programs and is a rapidly growing market for woody biomass fuel. In particular, large quantities of wood pellets are imported from Southeast Asia and North America and burned for power generation in large power plants. In this case, biomass power generation emits more CO2 than coal per unit of heat or electricity generated.
Since the Japanese government has set the CO2 emissions from combustion at zero (meaning “carbon neutral”), biomass power generation is now a large, invisible source of CO2 emissions.
Furthermore, according to the “Act on Rationalizing Energy Use” (Energy Conservation Law), mixing biomass fuel with coal power generation is recognized as a method of “improvement of power generation efficiency.” This is virtually a policy to extend the life of coal-fired power generation.
Event Description
Biomass power generation, as a “renewable” energy source, is eligible for government subsidies not only in Japan but also in Korea and European countries. With the support of the Japanese government and companies, biomass power generation and coal co-firing projects are expected to expand in Southeast Asian countries.
It is often supported by investors as a target for green finance and transition finance.
However, large-scale biomass power generation and coal-biomass co-firing, especially when biomass comes from forests and plants do not use waste heat, are “false solutions” to climate change that will accelerate climate change, deforestation, and forest degradation.
At this PRI in Person 2023 side event, Timothy Searchinger of the World Resources Institute will discuss how we should think about CO2 emissions from deforestation and biomass combustion, and sequestration by forests. Kae Takase of the Renewable Energy Institute in Japan will talk about how to count or report CO2 emissions from biomass power generation and coal co-firing according to GHG Protocol and SBTi. Please join us at this event.
【Date and Time】 October 5, 2023, 8:00-8:45 am (doors open at 7:45)
【Place】 Vision Center Shinagawa Room No. 202 (2F)
(Keikyu Building No. 7, 4-10-8 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
1) Carbon Emissions and Sequestration from Forests, and Carbon Cost of Biomass Power Generation > 10 min
Dr. Timothy Searchinger (Senior Research Fellow at Princeton University; Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute) *This will be a video message.
2) Methods for calculating biogenic carbon emissions in GHG Protocol and SBT > 20 min.
Dr. Kae Takase (Senior Coordinator at Renewable Energy Institute, Member of SBTi Technical Advisory Group)
※Simultaneous Japanese-English interpretation will be provided.
Simultaneous streaming will be available on Zoom.
3) Discussion > 10 min
【How to register】
Pre-registration is required for both onsite and online.
Reference Materials
②Issues with Biomass Power Plants~Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Human Rights
③Biomass Combustion in IPCC, GHG Protocol, SBTi, and CDP
Past Activities and Outputs
For more information regarding our past activities and outputs about bioenergy, please go to the following page.
For more information, please contact
Iinuma (Global Environmental Forum); E-mail: event(a)gef.or.jp
【Organizer】Global Environmental Forum
【Co-Organizers】Plantation Watch(to be determined), Japan Tropical Forest Action Network (JATAN)(to be determined), Mighty Earth
10/5(木) PRI in Person 2023 公式サイドイベント~木質バイオマス発電・石炭混焼で見逃される森林からのCO2排出量ーGHGプロトコル、SBTiと投融資方針のグッドプラクティス紹介
しかし、森林由来で熱利用を伴わない大型のバイオマス発電や石炭・バイオマス混焼発電は、気候変動と森林の減少・劣化を加速させる「False Solution(間違った解決方法)」です。
このPRI in person 2023サイドイベントでは、森林伐採とバイオマス燃焼のCO2排出、森林による吸収をどのように考えるべきかを世界資源研究所(World Resources Institute)のTimothy Searchinger氏に、また、GHGプロトコル、SBTiにおけるバイオマス発電と石炭混焼のCO2排出量カウント方法・報告の考え方について、自然エネルギー財団の高瀬香絵氏にお話しいただきます。ぜひご参加ください。
1)森林からのCO2排出・吸収とバイオマス発電の炭素コスト >10分
Timothy Searchinger氏(プリンストン大学上級研究員、World Resources Instituteシニアフェロー)※ ビデオメッセージとなります。
2)GHGプロトコル・SBTにおけるバイオマス由来炭素の算定方法 >20分
3)質疑応答 >10分
③IPCC、GHG Protocol、SBT、CDPにおけるバイオマス燃焼の位置づけ
地球・人間環境フォーラム 飯沼 E-mail: event(a)gef.or.jp
【PRI in personについて】
10月3日~5日に東京で開催されるPRI in person 2023には、国内外から責任投資原則(PRI)の署名機関ほか責任投資に関心を寄せる投資家や金融機関、研究者、行政、メディアが集まります。日本の機関投資家や金融機関、そして金融を通じた環境対策の促進を模索しているNGOにとって情報収集やネットワーキングの大きな機会になります。PRIでは環境問題(気候変動、自然・生物多様性TNFD)だけでなく、人権や社会問題、企業統治に関する幅広いESG課題がテーマとなっています。
【協力】プランテーション・ウォッチ(予定)、熱帯林行動ネットワーク(JATAN)(予定)、Mighty Earth